Hello Glacier Probus members,
As part of the 10th anniversary celebrations the club is hosting a Pancake Breakfast.
As part of the 10th anniversary celebrations the club is hosting a Pancake Breakfast.
Date: Saturday October 28, 2023
Place: D'Esterre House
Time: 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
On Offer: Pancakes with fruit, Sausages and Bacon, Tea, Coffee & Juices
What to bring:
- $5 CASH to cover rental of facilities and food.
E-Transfer Pay Option: All online applicants will receive a Glacier Probus Club Invoice via the email address supplied.
This event is open to all members and their guests, but no children please. It is important that you commit your attendance by
Oct 25th
so the correct amount of food can be purchased.
Music will be provided by
The 10th Anniversary Organizing Committee
Place: D'Esterre House
Time: 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
On Offer: Pancakes with fruit, Sausages and Bacon, Tea, Coffee & Juices
What to bring:
- $5 CASH to cover rental of facilities and food.
E-Transfer Pay Option: All online applicants will receive a Glacier Probus Club Invoice via the email address supplied.
This event is open to all members and their guests, but no children please. It is important that you commit your attendance by
Oct 25th
so the correct amount of food can be purchased.
Music will be provided by
The 10th Anniversary Organizing Committee