Glacier Probus Club
June 2017
Vice President Katie Hubberstey opened the meeting and welcomed all those present, Katie welcomed guests Kathy Nelson & Patricia Joyal. Katie went on to say there were a number of announcements, the first she said was in part a result of answers to the Survey put out last autumn which indicated that there was a need for us to move to a new venue. A subcommittee had been formed and the result was that as from September the Monthly Gatherings would be held at Comox United Church. The meetings would still be held on the first Thursday of the month starting at 2:00 p.m. As Katie made the announcement and described the many advantages of the new venue, Keith ran a slideshow of the new venue.
Katie reminded everyone that our summer BBQ would be held on Wednesday 5th July at Simms Park, the AGM would be the last chance to buy tickets but they could be reserved online and paid for on the day.
Katie went on to announce that Keith Millard, the Director of Technology and one of the original steering committee that set up the Glacier Probus Club had resigned as he and Diane were moving from the Comox Valley. Katie went on to thank Keith for all that he had done in relation to the website which was an important feature of the success of the club. Katie suggested that it would be a fitting tribute to Keith if the club offered him Honorary Membership. Brian Liberman made a motion to this effect, it was seconded by Ray Fast and passed unanimously.
Keith will be resigning as from the 30th of June but has agreed to continue on a consultancy basis until a replacement has been found and is up to speed on the details of managing of the website.
Tony Nicol, Vice President and another original member of the steering committee thanked Keith and made a presentation on behalf of the club. Keith replied that he had enjoyed being a part of the formation of the club and thanked everyone for their kind words.
Katie said that the next item was a slide show of the year in review and asked Keith Millard to introduce the slide show. Keith explained that the slides covered club meetings and activity groups. Many pictures were set to music and showed a very successful year filled with events.
Steve Horn gave the Treasurer’s report showing we are in good financial standing at year end. He also presented the Budget for 2017 – 2018.
In her absence Steve read the Interim Financial Review conducted by Lindsay Sparkes.
Katie then introduced Dawn Moore, the Activities Director who reported on the Activities groups for the past year. Dawn thanked the Coordinators who had made the activity groups so successful and she said that she was delighted to say that nearly all the Coordinators had agreed to stay on with their groups for another year with some changes.
As the Nominating Committee Ray Fast, Past President and Michelle Morton, Past President introduced the nominees for the Management Committee positions.
Ray Fast announced the slate of nominees for the positions on the Management Committee and said there were now two vacancies that of Technology Director and Special Events Director. He asked if there were any nominations from the floor and said if not the Management Committee had the right to appoint someone in the future.
Ray then asked for a show of hands to elect those who had agreed to stand. This was done unanimously. Katie then asked the new Management Committee to join her.
Nancy Watkins then did the draw for the door prizes which were won by Debbie Haynes and Sheila Precious.
Katie thanked everyone for coming and said the Committee appreciated the large turnout for the AGM. She wished everyone a good summer and said she looked forward to seeing them at the BBQ and at the Monthly Gathering in September.
June 2017
Vice President Katie Hubberstey opened the meeting and welcomed all those present, Katie welcomed guests Kathy Nelson & Patricia Joyal. Katie went on to say there were a number of announcements, the first she said was in part a result of answers to the Survey put out last autumn which indicated that there was a need for us to move to a new venue. A subcommittee had been formed and the result was that as from September the Monthly Gatherings would be held at Comox United Church. The meetings would still be held on the first Thursday of the month starting at 2:00 p.m. As Katie made the announcement and described the many advantages of the new venue, Keith ran a slideshow of the new venue.
Katie reminded everyone that our summer BBQ would be held on Wednesday 5th July at Simms Park, the AGM would be the last chance to buy tickets but they could be reserved online and paid for on the day.
Katie went on to announce that Keith Millard, the Director of Technology and one of the original steering committee that set up the Glacier Probus Club had resigned as he and Diane were moving from the Comox Valley. Katie went on to thank Keith for all that he had done in relation to the website which was an important feature of the success of the club. Katie suggested that it would be a fitting tribute to Keith if the club offered him Honorary Membership. Brian Liberman made a motion to this effect, it was seconded by Ray Fast and passed unanimously.
Keith will be resigning as from the 30th of June but has agreed to continue on a consultancy basis until a replacement has been found and is up to speed on the details of managing of the website.
Tony Nicol, Vice President and another original member of the steering committee thanked Keith and made a presentation on behalf of the club. Keith replied that he had enjoyed being a part of the formation of the club and thanked everyone for their kind words.
Katie said that the next item was a slide show of the year in review and asked Keith Millard to introduce the slide show. Keith explained that the slides covered club meetings and activity groups. Many pictures were set to music and showed a very successful year filled with events.
Steve Horn gave the Treasurer’s report showing we are in good financial standing at year end. He also presented the Budget for 2017 – 2018.
In her absence Steve read the Interim Financial Review conducted by Lindsay Sparkes.
Katie then introduced Dawn Moore, the Activities Director who reported on the Activities groups for the past year. Dawn thanked the Coordinators who had made the activity groups so successful and she said that she was delighted to say that nearly all the Coordinators had agreed to stay on with their groups for another year with some changes.
As the Nominating Committee Ray Fast, Past President and Michelle Morton, Past President introduced the nominees for the Management Committee positions.
Ray Fast announced the slate of nominees for the positions on the Management Committee and said there were now two vacancies that of Technology Director and Special Events Director. He asked if there were any nominations from the floor and said if not the Management Committee had the right to appoint someone in the future.
Ray then asked for a show of hands to elect those who had agreed to stand. This was done unanimously. Katie then asked the new Management Committee to join her.
Nancy Watkins then did the draw for the door prizes which were won by Debbie Haynes and Sheila Precious.
Katie thanked everyone for coming and said the Committee appreciated the large turnout for the AGM. She wished everyone a good summer and said she looked forward to seeing them at the BBQ and at the Monthly Gathering in September.