Vice President Alan Brown introduced Blythe Reimer, our guest speaker and the first Canadian female pilot to fly the Sea King CH-124 helicopter. At that time (the 90s) only 2% of pilots in the world were women but today 10% of pilots are women.
Blythe said that this was not planned nor something that she pursued, however, after graduating from University, she asked, “What am I going to do now?” Blythe humbly recounted her story neither wanting to dilute nor embellish her narrative.
A ‘military brat’, her father and grandfather both pilots, the family moved every three years and she attended high school in Heidelberg, Germany. She spent 6 years in Paris at an American University and speaks English, French, German, some Spanish and Italian. Whilst at university in 1986-1988 combat training for women opened up and Blythe and a friend began their training at HMCS (Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship) Naval Academy in Esquimalt where she topped her course and served as Bosun for two years. It was there she developed a love of being on a ship. As a woman she stated, “it was just something I did”.
Blythe first flew the Musketeer aircraft for 120 hours with 2 other women only one passing with the required 90%. The second ‘funnest’ part of her training was flying the CT-114 Tutor jet which the Snowbirds flew. Their motto was, “First you get good, then you get better”. That completed her fixed wing pilot training.
Next came her rotary training on the CH-139 Jet Ranger, a single engine used to help RCAF (Royal Canadian Air Force) helicopter trainees earn their wings. Coming second in that course, the military decided she should get her wings and she graduated in June 1990. Following graduation she was sent to Squadron 406 Maritime Operational Training Unit in Halifax, Nova Scotia where she learned to fly the CH-124 Sea King helicopter.
Blythe recounted landing the Sea King on a ship in rough water. Once the pilot has received permission to be over the ship, the landing begins. The pilot must stay level with an artificial horizon and line up between two black lines that run down the hangar doors with 5 feet of clearance. Then receiving permission from the landing officer the probe hooks onto the ‘Bear Trap’ and the helicopter lands.
In 2002, Blythe retired to Airdrie, Alberta and became a nutrition coach. Her pilot husband worked for WestJet and they moved to Comox and decided to open a restaurant, The Tidal Cafe, in Comox. Blythe loves the support she has received from family, friends, and the community.
Alan Brown thanked Blythe for her presentation.
President John McGinn brought forward two matters concerning our AGM.
The new Management Committee consists of:
Alan Brown, President
Lorne Meyer, Vice President
John McGinn, Past President
Dorothy McGinn, Treasurer
Jill Almond, Secretary
Donald Bourne, Registration Director
Brenda Latta, Membership Director
Jim Belair, Activity Group Director
Ian Thompson, Communications Director
Steve Ray, Technology Director
Susie Wilson, Facilities Director
Michele Morton, Special Events Director
Helmut Breitinger and Marie Morck, Directors at Large
President McGinn thanked the present Board for their work and appreciated everything they did. Vicki Matthews also thanked the Board for getting us through Covid.
Treasurer Dorothy McGinn noted that our bank balance of almost $9000 will soon be increased with our 250 members paying their annual dues of $35 by July 31, 2022. The only unknown expense is the rental for the church. The major expenses of 2021-2022 were the meeting room rental, Co-ordinators appreciation event, and the retiring board appreciation event. Treasurer Dorothy McGinn noted that the 2022-2023 Glacier PrOBUS Club Budget must be ratified by a show of hands, all in favour showing approval of the Budget.
Vicki Matthews moved that the 2022-2023 Glacier PROBUS Club Budget be approved as presented, with John McIsaac, seconding the motion. All in favour, motion approved.
President McGinn introduced new members Dan and Dianne Needham.
Winners of the Tidal Cafe gift certificates were: Steve Horn, Debbie Haynes, Sandra Wagner, and Phil Morck.
Winners of the Wine bottles were: Dave Adshead, Marilyn Ray, and Elaine Brown.
President John thanked us all for coming out and reminded us of the Summer BBQ and that there are still tickets for the PRISMA cruise.
Newly elected Vice President Lorne Meyer requested that members contact him with suggestions for guest speakers.
The meeting ended at 3:00. There were 38 in person members and 9 members via the Zoom platform.
Photos compliments of Ian Thompson: in order, Steve Ray, Steve Horne, Debbie Haynes, Elaine Brown and new President Alan Brown with Past President John McGinn, partial picture of new Management Committee.
Blythe said that this was not planned nor something that she pursued, however, after graduating from University, she asked, “What am I going to do now?” Blythe humbly recounted her story neither wanting to dilute nor embellish her narrative.
A ‘military brat’, her father and grandfather both pilots, the family moved every three years and she attended high school in Heidelberg, Germany. She spent 6 years in Paris at an American University and speaks English, French, German, some Spanish and Italian. Whilst at university in 1986-1988 combat training for women opened up and Blythe and a friend began their training at HMCS (Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship) Naval Academy in Esquimalt where she topped her course and served as Bosun for two years. It was there she developed a love of being on a ship. As a woman she stated, “it was just something I did”.
Blythe first flew the Musketeer aircraft for 120 hours with 2 other women only one passing with the required 90%. The second ‘funnest’ part of her training was flying the CT-114 Tutor jet which the Snowbirds flew. Their motto was, “First you get good, then you get better”. That completed her fixed wing pilot training.
Next came her rotary training on the CH-139 Jet Ranger, a single engine used to help RCAF (Royal Canadian Air Force) helicopter trainees earn their wings. Coming second in that course, the military decided she should get her wings and she graduated in June 1990. Following graduation she was sent to Squadron 406 Maritime Operational Training Unit in Halifax, Nova Scotia where she learned to fly the CH-124 Sea King helicopter.
Blythe recounted landing the Sea King on a ship in rough water. Once the pilot has received permission to be over the ship, the landing begins. The pilot must stay level with an artificial horizon and line up between two black lines that run down the hangar doors with 5 feet of clearance. Then receiving permission from the landing officer the probe hooks onto the ‘Bear Trap’ and the helicopter lands.
In 2002, Blythe retired to Airdrie, Alberta and became a nutrition coach. Her pilot husband worked for WestJet and they moved to Comox and decided to open a restaurant, The Tidal Cafe, in Comox. Blythe loves the support she has received from family, friends, and the community.
Alan Brown thanked Blythe for her presentation.
President John McGinn brought forward two matters concerning our AGM.
The new Management Committee consists of:
Alan Brown, President
Lorne Meyer, Vice President
John McGinn, Past President
Dorothy McGinn, Treasurer
Jill Almond, Secretary
Donald Bourne, Registration Director
Brenda Latta, Membership Director
Jim Belair, Activity Group Director
Ian Thompson, Communications Director
Steve Ray, Technology Director
Susie Wilson, Facilities Director
Michele Morton, Special Events Director
Helmut Breitinger and Marie Morck, Directors at Large
President McGinn thanked the present Board for their work and appreciated everything they did. Vicki Matthews also thanked the Board for getting us through Covid.
Treasurer Dorothy McGinn noted that our bank balance of almost $9000 will soon be increased with our 250 members paying their annual dues of $35 by July 31, 2022. The only unknown expense is the rental for the church. The major expenses of 2021-2022 were the meeting room rental, Co-ordinators appreciation event, and the retiring board appreciation event. Treasurer Dorothy McGinn noted that the 2022-2023 Glacier PrOBUS Club Budget must be ratified by a show of hands, all in favour showing approval of the Budget.
Vicki Matthews moved that the 2022-2023 Glacier PROBUS Club Budget be approved as presented, with John McIsaac, seconding the motion. All in favour, motion approved.
President McGinn introduced new members Dan and Dianne Needham.
Winners of the Tidal Cafe gift certificates were: Steve Horn, Debbie Haynes, Sandra Wagner, and Phil Morck.
Winners of the Wine bottles were: Dave Adshead, Marilyn Ray, and Elaine Brown.
President John thanked us all for coming out and reminded us of the Summer BBQ and that there are still tickets for the PRISMA cruise.
Newly elected Vice President Lorne Meyer requested that members contact him with suggestions for guest speakers.
The meeting ended at 3:00. There were 38 in person members and 9 members via the Zoom platform.
Photos compliments of Ian Thompson: in order, Steve Ray, Steve Horne, Debbie Haynes, Elaine Brown and new President Alan Brown with Past President John McGinn, partial picture of new Management Committee.