May, 24 2016
Election of 2016/2017 Management Committee
Glacier Probus Club
To: Glacier Probus Club Members
Well, our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is fast approaching and will include the election of next year’s management committee.
Michele Morton and I volunteered to form the Nominating Committee for the election of our 2016/2017 Management Committee. The purpose of this document is to provide you with:
- meeting details,
- encouragement to attend the AGM to ensure we have a quorum ,
- the proposed slate of committee members,
- a link to the committee roles,
- a discussion of the proposed election process.
Please make every effort to attend the AGM on June 2nd to ensure we have sufficient attendance to achieve our quorum requirements.
1. Meeting Details
Date: June 2, 2016
Time: 2:00 PM
Where: St George’s Hall, Fitzgerald Ave, Courtenay
2. Quorum Requirements
Bylaw 5.2 states that “The quorum at all General meetings shall be 25% of the membership”.
Our average attendance at general meetings is approximately 45.
Our current club membership is 168, therefore, the attendance we require to achieve a quorum will be 42.
Please, please, make every effort to attend the AGM on June 2nd.
3. Committee Nominees
Listed below is a full slate of candidates gathered in response to Ray Fast’s requests for nominees that were made over the past couple of months.
President: Katie Hubberstey
Past President: Ray Fast
Vice President: Tony Nicol
Secretary: Tricia Nicol
Treasurer: Steve Horn
Membership Director: Ron Watkins
Activities Group Director: Dawn Moore
Communications Director: Ian Thompson
Technology/AV Director: Keith Millard
Facilities Director: Regina Land
Special Events Director: Michele Morton
Director at Large: Brian Liberman
Nominations are now closed in accordance with our Bylaw # 4.2 which states that “Any further nominations (with prior consent to stand) shall be conveyed to the Nominating Committee at least 14 days prior to the Annual Meeting.”
4. Roles of Committee Members
The Management Committee roles are on our website. Hold ‘Ctrl’ key and click on the following link to go the website to view the roles document. Management Roles
5. Proposed Election Process
Bylaw #4 states that “When an election is required voting shall be by ballot”.
Since our list of nominees matches our list of management committee positions, the Nominating Committee is of the opinion that an election by ballot is unnecessary. We will propose the following motion to conduct the election by a show of hands.
Motion: To elect all nominees by a show of hands to the Management Committee as proposed by the Nominating Committee.
Assuming the previous motion is approved, we will then propose the following motion to elect all nominees proposed by the Nominating Committee.
Motion: To elect, by a show of hands, all nominees to the Management Committee as proposed by the Nominating Committee
We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.
Dave Scott
Michele Morton
Nominating Committee
Glacier Probus Club
Election of 2016/2017 Management Committee
Glacier Probus Club
To: Glacier Probus Club Members
Well, our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is fast approaching and will include the election of next year’s management committee.
Michele Morton and I volunteered to form the Nominating Committee for the election of our 2016/2017 Management Committee. The purpose of this document is to provide you with:
- meeting details,
- encouragement to attend the AGM to ensure we have a quorum ,
- the proposed slate of committee members,
- a link to the committee roles,
- a discussion of the proposed election process.
Please make every effort to attend the AGM on June 2nd to ensure we have sufficient attendance to achieve our quorum requirements.
1. Meeting Details
Date: June 2, 2016
Time: 2:00 PM
Where: St George’s Hall, Fitzgerald Ave, Courtenay
2. Quorum Requirements
Bylaw 5.2 states that “The quorum at all General meetings shall be 25% of the membership”.
Our average attendance at general meetings is approximately 45.
Our current club membership is 168, therefore, the attendance we require to achieve a quorum will be 42.
Please, please, make every effort to attend the AGM on June 2nd.
3. Committee Nominees
Listed below is a full slate of candidates gathered in response to Ray Fast’s requests for nominees that were made over the past couple of months.
President: Katie Hubberstey
Past President: Ray Fast
Vice President: Tony Nicol
Secretary: Tricia Nicol
Treasurer: Steve Horn
Membership Director: Ron Watkins
Activities Group Director: Dawn Moore
Communications Director: Ian Thompson
Technology/AV Director: Keith Millard
Facilities Director: Regina Land
Special Events Director: Michele Morton
Director at Large: Brian Liberman
Nominations are now closed in accordance with our Bylaw # 4.2 which states that “Any further nominations (with prior consent to stand) shall be conveyed to the Nominating Committee at least 14 days prior to the Annual Meeting.”
4. Roles of Committee Members
The Management Committee roles are on our website. Hold ‘Ctrl’ key and click on the following link to go the website to view the roles document. Management Roles
5. Proposed Election Process
Bylaw #4 states that “When an election is required voting shall be by ballot”.
Since our list of nominees matches our list of management committee positions, the Nominating Committee is of the opinion that an election by ballot is unnecessary. We will propose the following motion to conduct the election by a show of hands.
Motion: To elect all nominees by a show of hands to the Management Committee as proposed by the Nominating Committee.
Assuming the previous motion is approved, we will then propose the following motion to elect all nominees proposed by the Nominating Committee.
Motion: To elect, by a show of hands, all nominees to the Management Committee as proposed by the Nominating Committee
We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.
Dave Scott
Michele Morton
Nominating Committee
Glacier Probus Club