Glacier PROBUS Club
Monthly Gathering 5th May 2016
Vice President Katie Hubberstey welcomed everyone to the meeting. She explained that Ray was unable to make the meeting and she was chairing it in his absence. Katie welcomed new members Brenda McBride and Rose Vasile. She also welcomed our three guests Barb, Christy and Steve and said she hoped they would join the club.
Katie invited Michele Morton to speak about the PRISMA Cruise. Michele explained the day and the costs and said that within the next week an email giving details of the outing together with an Invoice would be sent to those who had expressed interest.
Katie then introduced Shelley Combs who was profiling the Strollers group at this month’s Gathering. Shelly did a great job at describing the Strollers walks and encouraging people to get out and join them for the walk and the muffin!
Katie introduced this month’s speaker Daryl Dancer. Daryl, a member of the club and a guide with Tide Rip Grizzly tours for the last ten years, gave us a very interesting talk about bears in North America. After answering a number of questions Katie thanked for her presentation.
Katie then drew for the door prizes which were kindly donated by Sue Curran.
Katie thanked everyone for coming and wished them a safe journey home. She reminded the members about tickets for the Summer Picnic being on sale at the Registration table at a cost of $5. Katie also said spouses of members and friends, who were interested in possibly joining the club, were also welcome to buy tickets to the Picnic. Tickets will be on sale at the AGM in June and can be ordered online.
Monthly Gathering 5th May 2016
Vice President Katie Hubberstey welcomed everyone to the meeting. She explained that Ray was unable to make the meeting and she was chairing it in his absence. Katie welcomed new members Brenda McBride and Rose Vasile. She also welcomed our three guests Barb, Christy and Steve and said she hoped they would join the club.
Katie invited Michele Morton to speak about the PRISMA Cruise. Michele explained the day and the costs and said that within the next week an email giving details of the outing together with an Invoice would be sent to those who had expressed interest.
Katie then introduced Shelley Combs who was profiling the Strollers group at this month’s Gathering. Shelly did a great job at describing the Strollers walks and encouraging people to get out and join them for the walk and the muffin!
Katie introduced this month’s speaker Daryl Dancer. Daryl, a member of the club and a guide with Tide Rip Grizzly tours for the last ten years, gave us a very interesting talk about bears in North America. After answering a number of questions Katie thanked for her presentation.
Katie then drew for the door prizes which were kindly donated by Sue Curran.
Katie thanked everyone for coming and wished them a safe journey home. She reminded the members about tickets for the Summer Picnic being on sale at the Registration table at a cost of $5. Katie also said spouses of members and friends, who were interested in possibly joining the club, were also welcome to buy tickets to the Picnic. Tickets will be on sale at the AGM in June and can be ordered online.