Glacier PROBUS Club
Monthly Gathering
1 February 2018
Coffee & Socialising from 2:00 p.m.
Announcements @ 2:45 p.m.
Speaker @ 3:00 p.m.
The speaker this month will be Paul Horgen (Chairman Project Watershed) speaking about Project watershed redeveloping the old sawmill site on Dyke road.
Having recently spoken to Probus about his book “Kona the Guide dog”, Paul has been invited back to speak on an entirely different subject. He has had a distinguished career in academia as a Professor of Biology, and written 150 scientific articles and co-authored three books in that time. He is the current Chairman of Project Watershed.
There will be a Registration Table where new members can collect their badges. Door Prize tickets (for $25.00 gift vouchers) will also be handed out.
Monthly Gathering
1 February 2018
Coffee & Socialising from 2:00 p.m.
Announcements @ 2:45 p.m.
Speaker @ 3:00 p.m.
The speaker this month will be Paul Horgen (Chairman Project Watershed) speaking about Project watershed redeveloping the old sawmill site on Dyke road.
Having recently spoken to Probus about his book “Kona the Guide dog”, Paul has been invited back to speak on an entirely different subject. He has had a distinguished career in academia as a Professor of Biology, and written 150 scientific articles and co-authored three books in that time. He is the current Chairman of Project Watershed.
There will be a Registration Table where new members can collect their badges. Door Prize tickets (for $25.00 gift vouchers) will also be handed out.