President Katie Hubberstey welcomed everyone to the meeting. Katie introduced Keith Millard, Technology Director. Keith spoke on what is to be an ongoing feature, a “Show and Tell” which is to introduce people to the club’s website and help them negotiate it more easily.
Announcements: Katie explained that the Management Committee had designed a survey to ask members what we were doing right and any suggestions they had to improve the club. She encouraged all members to take the time to fill out the survey which is available online. Katie reminded members that there were still a few tickets left for the upcoming events: Chemainus Christmas event on 30th November; Wine & Appies at the Whistle Stop Pub on 9th December and the Club’s Christmas Dinner & Dance on 17th December.
Katie introduced Steve Horn, the Coordinator of the Snowshoeing group. Steve showed photos of some of last year’s snowshoeing outings. He said they go approximately every two weeks and that it is somewhat weather dependant. He said he emailed members of the group about 3-4 days before an outing and that they did in general do the marked trails. He explained that it was possible to rent the equipment.
Katie then introduced Bill Boham who spoke about the idea for a new activity group he was willing to start. It is a “Live Music Appreciation group” for people who wanted to socialise and enjoy music of all types together. He was hoping to offer at least one event a month to cover a broad range of local music at affordable prices. Bill said he would welcome anyone who would like to sign up to this new group online.
Katie then asked Tony to introduce this month’s speaker Ken Lee. Ken gave an interesting, amusing and very informative talk about the brain, from its evolution to the way it worked in a way we could all understand and appreciate.
Tony thanked Ken for his presentation and gave him a token of the club’s appreciation.
Brian Liberman did the draw for the door prizes the winners of which were: Kathy Slater and Barb Sabey.
Katie thanked everyone for coming and wished them a safe journey home. Katie reminded members that because of the Christmas Dinner Dance that there was no Gathering in December and that the next one would be on Thursday 5th January.
Announcements: Katie explained that the Management Committee had designed a survey to ask members what we were doing right and any suggestions they had to improve the club. She encouraged all members to take the time to fill out the survey which is available online. Katie reminded members that there were still a few tickets left for the upcoming events: Chemainus Christmas event on 30th November; Wine & Appies at the Whistle Stop Pub on 9th December and the Club’s Christmas Dinner & Dance on 17th December.
Katie introduced Steve Horn, the Coordinator of the Snowshoeing group. Steve showed photos of some of last year’s snowshoeing outings. He said they go approximately every two weeks and that it is somewhat weather dependant. He said he emailed members of the group about 3-4 days before an outing and that they did in general do the marked trails. He explained that it was possible to rent the equipment.
Katie then introduced Bill Boham who spoke about the idea for a new activity group he was willing to start. It is a “Live Music Appreciation group” for people who wanted to socialise and enjoy music of all types together. He was hoping to offer at least one event a month to cover a broad range of local music at affordable prices. Bill said he would welcome anyone who would like to sign up to this new group online.
Katie then asked Tony to introduce this month’s speaker Ken Lee. Ken gave an interesting, amusing and very informative talk about the brain, from its evolution to the way it worked in a way we could all understand and appreciate.
Tony thanked Ken for his presentation and gave him a token of the club’s appreciation.
Brian Liberman did the draw for the door prizes the winners of which were: Kathy Slater and Barb Sabey.
Katie thanked everyone for coming and wished them a safe journey home. Katie reminded members that because of the Christmas Dinner Dance that there was no Gathering in December and that the next one would be on Thursday 5th January.