Club Membership Survey:
The Glacier Probus Club is still a fairly new Social and Activity Club, having just celebrated our third birthday in September 2016. Our goal from the beginning has been to make our Club as easy as possible for members to find out what events are happening, what events have already happened, and for members to participate in activities of their choice.
That said, our Club success depends on you, our members, and we want to hear from you. Please tell us what you like or don’t like, your suggestions, comments, and any questions you might have. This will help us focus our energies on the things most important to you. This survey is your opportunity to tell us.
That said, our Club success depends on you, our members, and we want to hear from you. Please tell us what you like or don’t like, your suggestions, comments, and any questions you might have. This will help us focus our energies on the things most important to you. This survey is your opportunity to tell us.
Quick Link - Survey