The following is a list of speakers recommended by individual Probus Clubs; the list is indexed alphabetically by the Subject Matter title (which is also the link to the detailed post).
To have a recommended speaker added, send the information (preferably including photos) to "glacierprobusclub228 AT gmail DOT com", with recommended speakers in the Subject Line.
Better Living through Chemicals - Dr Reg Mitchell - John Howarth, VP Probus Canada
Comox Valley Airport - CEO Fred Bigelow - Glacier Probus Club
Habitat for Humanity - It's all about Owning a Home! - Pat McKenna & Tom Beshr - Glacier Probus Club
Promoting Peace & Understanding Between Nations - Suzanne Dubé - Ladysmith Probus Club
Steve Williamson - BC Wildlife Photographer - Glacier Probus Club
The Fall Girl - Martha Crawford Cantarini - Glacier Probus Club
The Importance of Relationships on Healthy Aging - Maureen McGrath - Qualicum Beach Probus Club
Trusted Housesitters for pet lovers that travel - Angela Laws - Ladysmith Probus Club
Vancouver Island Rail - CEO Graham Bruce - Glacier Probus Club & Qualicum Beach Probus Club
Wilderness Adventures of 5 Old Mountain Men - Roger Griffiths - Qualicum Beach Probus Club
Link = Speakers Index Page
To have a recommended speaker added, send the information (preferably including photos) to "glacierprobusclub228 AT gmail DOT com", with recommended speakers in the Subject Line.
Better Living through Chemicals - Dr Reg Mitchell - John Howarth, VP Probus Canada
Comox Valley Airport - CEO Fred Bigelow - Glacier Probus Club
Habitat for Humanity - It's all about Owning a Home! - Pat McKenna & Tom Beshr - Glacier Probus Club
Promoting Peace & Understanding Between Nations - Suzanne Dubé - Ladysmith Probus Club
Steve Williamson - BC Wildlife Photographer - Glacier Probus Club
The Fall Girl - Martha Crawford Cantarini - Glacier Probus Club
The Importance of Relationships on Healthy Aging - Maureen McGrath - Qualicum Beach Probus Club
Trusted Housesitters for pet lovers that travel - Angela Laws - Ladysmith Probus Club
Vancouver Island Rail - CEO Graham Bruce - Glacier Probus Club & Qualicum Beach Probus Club
Wilderness Adventures of 5 Old Mountain Men - Roger Griffiths - Qualicum Beach Probus Club
Link = Speakers Index Page