President Katie Hubberstey opened the proceedings by welcoming everyone, and hoped they would enjoy the event as much as last year. A look below at the photos suggests that was achieved in spades!!
A very nice traditional Christmas dinner was provided Deirdre Lafonde and her helpers, and finished off with excellent trifle, fruit and squares.
President Katie tested everyone’s knowledge of Christmas film trivia through 16 questions, of which Table 2 answered 14 correctly. Most impressive!
After dinner, door prizes were won by Jim Crozier, Jim Brady, Jennifer Harrison, and Norma Durkin
Our DJ was the same as last year, and provided a range of music that kept the dance floor busy.
Thanks to all who helped with the clearing after the event, which was achieved in record time.
Thanks to Ian for the photos.
A very nice traditional Christmas dinner was provided Deirdre Lafonde and her helpers, and finished off with excellent trifle, fruit and squares.
President Katie tested everyone’s knowledge of Christmas film trivia through 16 questions, of which Table 2 answered 14 correctly. Most impressive!
After dinner, door prizes were won by Jim Crozier, Jim Brady, Jennifer Harrison, and Norma Durkin
Our DJ was the same as last year, and provided a range of music that kept the dance floor busy.
Thanks to all who helped with the clearing after the event, which was achieved in record time.
Thanks to Ian for the photos.