Temporarily Inactive at this time but still taking new members.
Singles Group:
The Singles Group is intended for members ( single, widowed, divorced, or simply frequently on their own) to be able to mingle with others for social fellowship and enjoyment. Events are currently being hosted on an irregular basis by individual group members. At present, most activities consist of a Dining-Out nature, predominantly spearheaded by one member, but it is stressed that all members should feel free to organize an activity of any sort for the Group.
In the meantime, to plan an activity, a member puts the details in an email message, including activity, date, time, and location, plus any pertinent information. The initiating member includes his or her email address and phone number in the text of the message so that those interested have someone to contact directly. The more notice you can give the group, the more likely you will receive positive responses.
In the meantime, to plan an activity, a member puts the details in an email message, including activity, date, time, and location, plus any pertinent information. The initiating member includes his or her email address and phone number in the text of the message so that those interested have someone to contact directly. The more notice you can give the group, the more likely you will receive positive responses.
Singles Group:
Note: If you are not currently a member of the Singles Group, proceed to the Activity Groups Directory and follow the Advice for members wishing to join a group, or for guests - Click on Activity Groups Directory
Note: If you are not currently a member of the Singles Group, proceed to the Activity Groups Directory and follow the Advice for members wishing to join a group, or for guests - Click on Activity Groups Directory
Quick Link: Singles Group