Glacier Probus Club
Monthly Gathering
6th June 2019
President Tony Nicol welcomed and thanked everyone for coming to the AGM, he said there were 85 members present and so we had easily met the quorum for the meeting. Tony reminded everyone that tickets for the Summer BBQ on 4th July were still available at the meeting and after today could be reserved online.
He welcomed new members Helmut Breitinger and Ron Amiss. He also welcomed the guests this month Lorne Meyer, David Dougherty and Mary Anne Meredith.
Tony said that as this was his last Monthly Gathering as President, he wanted to say what a pleasure and honour it had been to be the President of the Club this last year. He said he still not feel totally relaxed as a Public Speaker and doubted if he ever would be. He thanked the outgoing committee who had served this last year for all their support, time and hard work. He said he particularly wanted to thank those committee members who were standing down:
Anne Fast who as Facilities Director for the year had organised the snack at the Monthly Gatherings, the Summer BBQ and Christmas Dinner Dance.
Nancy Shaver-LeForte as Vice President for the great speakers she had lined up this last year.
Katie Hubberstey who had been on the Management Committee from the start, first as Activities Director, then as Vice President a, President and Past President. Tony wished her well as the new President of Comox Valley Photographic Society.
Tricia Nicol who has served as Secretary for the last 6 years.
Tony also thanked the Coordinators of all the Activity Groups, he said without them the members would not enjoy all the activities that the club offers.
Tony said he wished incoming President Sandy all best wishes for the coming year.
Tony then went on to introduce the “Year End Slide Show” produced by Technology Director James Kennedy, Tony said it was a great production and thanked James for all his hard work in compiling it.
After the slide show incoming President Sandy gave the Activity Director’s report on behalf of Heather Crites. She said Heather too thanked all the Coordinators for their time and hard work. She said that both the Bridge Group and the Strollers were closed to new members but that a Waiting List for these groups would be kept. Two new groups have been added to the Activities List: Art Appreciation and Tai Chi, both were being led by Anne Zambolowitz. The Art Appreciation Group was up and running and the Tai Chi would be resumed in the Fall.
Tony then Introduced the Treasurer Ray Fast who presented the Financial Report for 2018 – 2019 and the Budget for 2019 – 2020. Ray thanked John McGinn for the Financial Review for the year.
Ray summarized his report saying that the Club was in a strong financial position and as a result there would be no increase in the membership dues for 2019 – 2020. He said the renewal invoices would be sent out in the next few days and can be paid either through PayPal or by cheque. Ray said the current membership number stood at 256.
Ray proposed a motion that his Financial Report as presented be accepted, seconded by Dave Scott and passed unanimously. He then proposed that his Budget for 2019 – 2020 be accepted, seconded by Dorothy McGinn and passed unanimously.
Tony then called for a motion from the floor to accept the work of the 2019 Committee. Dawn Moore proposed the motion to approve the actions of the Management Committee during the year 2018 – 2019. Seconded by John McGinn and passed unanimously.
Tony said there was a second motion proposed by the outgoing Management Committee. He said that any further increase in membership would, if not addressed, be a problem for the size of our meeting space and for a good number of the activity groups. He said the Management Committee was proposing a CAP on the membership at 250. He said that in past years there was a non-renewal of about 7% so that the existing extra numbers and new members would be accommodated by the reduction of those members not renewing. The motion was seconded by Katie Hubberstey and passed unanimously.
Tony then introduced Katie Hubberstey as Chair of the Nominations Committee to conduct the election of new officers. Katie said she and Steve Horn on behalf of the Nominations Committee had canvassed the membership for nominations as none were forthcoming, she proposed that the Slate of Committee members drawn up by the Committee be accepted by a show of hands. The new committee is as follows:
President Sandy Dreger
Vice President Steve Hill
Past President Tony Nicol
Secretary Dorothy McGinn
Treasurer Ray Fast
Membership Director Ron Watkins
Technology Director James Kennedy
Activities Director Heather Crites
Communications Director Ian Thompson
Facilities Director Donna Young
Registration Director Nancy Watkins
Special Events Cheryl McMahon
(co Director) Jane Kelliher
Director at Large John McGinn
Director at Large Jim Belair
Katie said she would like to wish the incoming committee best wishes for the coming year.
She then presented President Tony with a token of appreciation from the membership.
Tony introduced the new President Sandy Dreger. Sandy said she was looking forward to serving for the coming year. She said that in the light of a few accidents at activities over the last year the Committee had decided to start a “Contact List” she said this would be developed over the coming months. She suggested that members NOT give their spouse as the contact name.
Sandy asked the members of the 2019 – 2020 Management Committee to join her at the front.
Incoming Vice President Steve Hill thanked Nancy for the great speakers she had found for the last year and encouraged members to make suggestions for speakers for the coming year.
Tony asked Pat Fleming to do the draw for this month’s gift certificates. The winners were: Marina Fraser and Lindsay Sparkes.
Tony said that brought the meeting to a close and that the next Monthly Gathering would be Thursday 5th September.
Tony then told his last “joke” as President of the Club.
Monthly Gathering
6th June 2019
President Tony Nicol welcomed and thanked everyone for coming to the AGM, he said there were 85 members present and so we had easily met the quorum for the meeting. Tony reminded everyone that tickets for the Summer BBQ on 4th July were still available at the meeting and after today could be reserved online.
He welcomed new members Helmut Breitinger and Ron Amiss. He also welcomed the guests this month Lorne Meyer, David Dougherty and Mary Anne Meredith.
Tony said that as this was his last Monthly Gathering as President, he wanted to say what a pleasure and honour it had been to be the President of the Club this last year. He said he still not feel totally relaxed as a Public Speaker and doubted if he ever would be. He thanked the outgoing committee who had served this last year for all their support, time and hard work. He said he particularly wanted to thank those committee members who were standing down:
Anne Fast who as Facilities Director for the year had organised the snack at the Monthly Gatherings, the Summer BBQ and Christmas Dinner Dance.
Nancy Shaver-LeForte as Vice President for the great speakers she had lined up this last year.
Katie Hubberstey who had been on the Management Committee from the start, first as Activities Director, then as Vice President a, President and Past President. Tony wished her well as the new President of Comox Valley Photographic Society.
Tricia Nicol who has served as Secretary for the last 6 years.
Tony also thanked the Coordinators of all the Activity Groups, he said without them the members would not enjoy all the activities that the club offers.
Tony said he wished incoming President Sandy all best wishes for the coming year.
Tony then went on to introduce the “Year End Slide Show” produced by Technology Director James Kennedy, Tony said it was a great production and thanked James for all his hard work in compiling it.
After the slide show incoming President Sandy gave the Activity Director’s report on behalf of Heather Crites. She said Heather too thanked all the Coordinators for their time and hard work. She said that both the Bridge Group and the Strollers were closed to new members but that a Waiting List for these groups would be kept. Two new groups have been added to the Activities List: Art Appreciation and Tai Chi, both were being led by Anne Zambolowitz. The Art Appreciation Group was up and running and the Tai Chi would be resumed in the Fall.
Tony then Introduced the Treasurer Ray Fast who presented the Financial Report for 2018 – 2019 and the Budget for 2019 – 2020. Ray thanked John McGinn for the Financial Review for the year.
Ray summarized his report saying that the Club was in a strong financial position and as a result there would be no increase in the membership dues for 2019 – 2020. He said the renewal invoices would be sent out in the next few days and can be paid either through PayPal or by cheque. Ray said the current membership number stood at 256.
Ray proposed a motion that his Financial Report as presented be accepted, seconded by Dave Scott and passed unanimously. He then proposed that his Budget for 2019 – 2020 be accepted, seconded by Dorothy McGinn and passed unanimously.
Tony then called for a motion from the floor to accept the work of the 2019 Committee. Dawn Moore proposed the motion to approve the actions of the Management Committee during the year 2018 – 2019. Seconded by John McGinn and passed unanimously.
Tony said there was a second motion proposed by the outgoing Management Committee. He said that any further increase in membership would, if not addressed, be a problem for the size of our meeting space and for a good number of the activity groups. He said the Management Committee was proposing a CAP on the membership at 250. He said that in past years there was a non-renewal of about 7% so that the existing extra numbers and new members would be accommodated by the reduction of those members not renewing. The motion was seconded by Katie Hubberstey and passed unanimously.
Tony then introduced Katie Hubberstey as Chair of the Nominations Committee to conduct the election of new officers. Katie said she and Steve Horn on behalf of the Nominations Committee had canvassed the membership for nominations as none were forthcoming, she proposed that the Slate of Committee members drawn up by the Committee be accepted by a show of hands. The new committee is as follows:
President Sandy Dreger
Vice President Steve Hill
Past President Tony Nicol
Secretary Dorothy McGinn
Treasurer Ray Fast
Membership Director Ron Watkins
Technology Director James Kennedy
Activities Director Heather Crites
Communications Director Ian Thompson
Facilities Director Donna Young
Registration Director Nancy Watkins
Special Events Cheryl McMahon
(co Director) Jane Kelliher
Director at Large John McGinn
Director at Large Jim Belair
Katie said she would like to wish the incoming committee best wishes for the coming year.
She then presented President Tony with a token of appreciation from the membership.
Tony introduced the new President Sandy Dreger. Sandy said she was looking forward to serving for the coming year. She said that in the light of a few accidents at activities over the last year the Committee had decided to start a “Contact List” she said this would be developed over the coming months. She suggested that members NOT give their spouse as the contact name.
Sandy asked the members of the 2019 – 2020 Management Committee to join her at the front.
Incoming Vice President Steve Hill thanked Nancy for the great speakers she had found for the last year and encouraged members to make suggestions for speakers for the coming year.
Tony asked Pat Fleming to do the draw for this month’s gift certificates. The winners were: Marina Fraser and Lindsay Sparkes.
Tony said that brought the meeting to a close and that the next Monthly Gathering would be Thursday 5th September.
Tony then told his last “joke” as President of the Club.