Twenty five members of Glacier Probus put on their thinking caps on Friday, April 16 for our second Zoom Trivia night hosted by John and Dorothy McGinn with the able assistance of Zoom guru Elaine Brown. Alan Brown decided to join a team and compete for the title of winner. Alas it was not to be. There were four rounds of ten questions each with the topics The Natural World, Where in the World, Movies and Music and Anything Goes. In the five minute speed round teams had to name as many of Shakespeare's plays as they could. Team Brainiac came out ahead by a nose - congratulation to Heather Crites, Sheila Precious, Vicki Matthew, Robin Pearson and Dawn and Gil Moore.
Just a few teasers questions: #1 True or false - you can sneeze in your sleep #2 What famous actor entered his own look-alike contest and came third? #3 What type of apparal does a cordwainer make? Look up the answers yourself or come to the May 6 Zoom monthly meeting to learn the answers.
Just a few teasers questions: #1 True or false - you can sneeze in your sleep #2 What famous actor entered his own look-alike contest and came third? #3 What type of apparal does a cordwainer make? Look up the answers yourself or come to the May 6 Zoom monthly meeting to learn the answers.