Thanksgiving Sunday proved to be a lovely day to be out birding and our Group took full advantage, heading to the Royston Seaside Trail at the end of Hilton Road. Unfortunately, the tide was further out than expected, so many of the waterbirds were too far away to make good identifications, except when distinctive markings were detected (eg, for Surf and White-winged Scoters). As well, there were a fair number of shorebirds along the waterline, but again, distance defeated good identifications. I suspect that Black-bellied Plovers and Black Turnstones were represented amongst them, from the fuzzy photos taken. Added to the above, the following birds were noted: Double-crested Cormorants, Crows, Canada Geese, Gulls, Bald Eagles, Kingfishers, Red-necked Grebes, Horned Grebes, Mallards, Common Loons, Great Blue Herons, American Robins, Spotted Towhees, Killdeer, Northern Flickers, Stellar Jays and Red-breasted Nuthatch. Dawn Moore and Steve Hill contributed the photos below while Bill Jorgensen has provided a link to his images of the day.