A beautifully sunny day on Sunday - just right for a hike through the Eastern Block of the Cumberland Mountain-biking trail system. Bliss. Our route took us through a variety of landscapes, from thick forest to meadow to cliffside to bluff to hills to dales, over a meandering 11+ km. I, for one, lost track of our location right away, but our leader-of-the-day, Bill Boham, unerringly zeroed in on the optimum trail each time we reached one of the numerous junctions. Bless that gps and Trailforks! Thanks Bill, for your skillful navigating. Lunch was enjoyed on a bluff overlooking a valley; we could see Nikkei Mountain's antenna beyond the trees of the hill on the other side. The trail was muddy, though usable, at the lower elevations; up higher, trails were drier. All in all, a lovely day and a good work-out.