There were cloudy skies and some drops of rain as we left Courtenay for the day's outing on Quadra Island, but by the time we reached the trailhead for the Morte Lake trail system, things were looking up. It was the perfect sort of day for an outing, with clear skies and just-right temperatures for hiking: we had a thoroughly enjoyable time on the trail. Since we last explored the area, the north shore section has been redesigned to include switchbacks: what was once a stiff climb up to the bluff area is now a rather gentle rise. The trail is longer as a result, but less exertion is required. We had a short rest to enjoy the ambiance on top of the bluff area and then made the descent to the lakeside. Onwards to the far end of the lake, where we had our lunch at a little picnic area before completing the loop and returning to the trailhead. Our 'debrief' was held at the Heriot Bay Inn Pub where we had such a good time 'debriefing' that we had to scramble to catch the 3pm ferry back to Campbell River!
Click on the LINK to view Bill Jorgensen's photos of the day. Photos below were supplied by Dawn Moore.
Bill Boham has provided a LINK to his Plotaroute of the day's trail. Thanks everyone!
Click on the LINK to view Bill Jorgensen's photos of the day. Photos below were supplied by Dawn Moore.
Bill Boham has provided a LINK to his Plotaroute of the day's trail. Thanks everyone!