A number of decisions of interest to all members were made at this meeting;
Regular monthly meetings will be refreshed with the social time being at the beginning of the meeting including the use of tables and chairs. One Activity Group will be profiled at each meeting, with a brief report of their group activities and some photos whenever possible. Speakers with topics of interest will have their allotted time, and a doorprize is planned for each meeting. And social time will be planned at the end of each meeting as well, so no one feels they are being rushed out the door.
The 2014 Christmas Party will be at Crown Isle on December 4th, tickets will be available at the regular Club meetings in September, October, and November, and they can also be reserved at online webpage Christmas Party.
Those members who have not yet paid their annual dues will be asked to pay them by September 4th.
Regular monthly meetings will be refreshed with the social time being at the beginning of the meeting including the use of tables and chairs. One Activity Group will be profiled at each meeting, with a brief report of their group activities and some photos whenever possible. Speakers with topics of interest will have their allotted time, and a doorprize is planned for each meeting. And social time will be planned at the end of each meeting as well, so no one feels they are being rushed out the door.
The 2014 Christmas Party will be at Crown Isle on December 4th, tickets will be available at the regular Club meetings in September, October, and November, and they can also be reserved at online webpage Christmas Party.
Those members who have not yet paid their annual dues will be asked to pay them by September 4th.