Members gathered at 1:30 to enjoy light refreshments and conversation.
President Lorne Meyer called the meeting to order at 2:00 and opened with some “groaners”.
John McGinn publicized the Orca Probus singers group. Second Tuesday of each month from 2:00 to 4:00. Ian Thompson will send out details to the membership.
Introduction of Guest Speaker:
Ann Zanbilowicz introduced our speaker Wendy Bancroft who helps people write their “own” stories using a technique called GAB – Guided autobiography. It is a warmly structured approach to help people recall, write about and share important memories. It is not therapy but people often find it therapeutic. It usually involves a six week course. It is theme based: family, health, money, relationships, etc. Sessions are confidential. Stories are memoirs – very short, usually 1000 words. They are NOT autobiography which is a story of a life. They are a memoir which is a story from a life.
There was a ten minute break for “Flash writing” about a "Decision you made that was the right decision". We then broke into groups of 4 to share our work.
To learn more: .
Ann Zanbilowicz distributed handouts that summarized the process.
Gift Cards: from Roys' Town Pub were won by: Cheryl McMahon, Jennifer Smith, Tannis Baker, Sylvia Giles.
There were 55 members in attendance.
Thanks to Dorothy McGinn for taking these notes for Vicki.