Glacier PROBUS Club
Monthly Gathering
October 5 2017
Coffee & Socialising from 2:00 p.m.
Announcements @ 2:45 p.m.
Speakers @ 3:00 p.m.
The opening speaker this month will be Christine Dickinson from Elder College talking about the opportunities to those over 55 offered at Elder College.
The main speakers are from the Comox Valley Ground Search and Rescue. The Presenters are:
Paul Berry - President of CVGSAR, Paul is a search manager, ground team leader and instructor for the province, swift water rescue technician and specializes in managing large emergency events throughout BC ~ including the recent wildfire task in Williams Lake.
Bronwen Beedle - Treasurer of CVGSAR, Bronwen is a ground team leader and with a specialty in tracking. She has been with CVGSAR for 5 years.
Gord Thompson - Is a ground team leader with specialties in: Avalanche Response, Rope Rescue, and Swift Water Rescue. He has 9 years in SAR, 5 with CVGSAR and 4 with Coquitlam SAR previously.
There will be a Registration Table where members can purchase tickets for the Christmas Party. Also new members can collect their badges. Door Prize tickets (for $25.00 gift vouchers) will also be handed out.
Monthly Gathering
October 5 2017
Coffee & Socialising from 2:00 p.m.
Announcements @ 2:45 p.m.
Speakers @ 3:00 p.m.
The opening speaker this month will be Christine Dickinson from Elder College talking about the opportunities to those over 55 offered at Elder College.
The main speakers are from the Comox Valley Ground Search and Rescue. The Presenters are:
Paul Berry - President of CVGSAR, Paul is a search manager, ground team leader and instructor for the province, swift water rescue technician and specializes in managing large emergency events throughout BC ~ including the recent wildfire task in Williams Lake.
Bronwen Beedle - Treasurer of CVGSAR, Bronwen is a ground team leader and with a specialty in tracking. She has been with CVGSAR for 5 years.
Gord Thompson - Is a ground team leader with specialties in: Avalanche Response, Rope Rescue, and Swift Water Rescue. He has 9 years in SAR, 5 with CVGSAR and 4 with Coquitlam SAR previously.
There will be a Registration Table where members can purchase tickets for the Christmas Party. Also new members can collect their badges. Door Prize tickets (for $25.00 gift vouchers) will also be handed out.