September Monthly Gathering
Glacier Probus Club
Monthly Gathering
7 September 2017
President Katie Hubbertsey welcomed everyone to our new venue and said she was delighted that so many members had come, with over 90 members and guests present which was a record attendance for the club.
Katie then said, as it was a new venue she wanted to point out the exits and facilities. She welcomed our 9 new members and 4 guests who were present at the meeting.
Katie thanked Heater Crites, the Activity Director and all the Activity Coordinators who had come to set up and man the tables.
She announced that there had been some changes in the Management Committee since our last monthly gathering. Brian Liberman and Reggie Land had both stepped down and she wanted to thank them both for all that they had done as Management Committee members. She went on to say that Anne Fast had joined the committee as Facilities Director. Katie said we were still looking for a Special Events Director and if anyone was interested they could approach any member of the Management Committee.
She went on to say that there would be a Meet & Greet for new members in late October and they would all receive invitations in due course. She said that this year’s Christmas Dinner Dance would again be held at D’Esterre House, the DJ from last year was back by popular request but that we were trying a new caterer. The tickets at a cost of $35 per member were available today and again at the October and November meetings and that they could also be reserved online and as they were limited to 80 she encouraged everyone to buy early.
Tony introduced the first of this month’s speaker Joanne Wiens who is the Executive Director of Volunteer Comox Valley. There are over 150 voluntary organisations in the Comox Valley, many looking for volunteers to help. Joanne’s office is the go-to place to find out about volunteer requirements and opportunities.
Tony then introduced the second speaker of the afternoon Gayle Bates. Gayle has had the honour of being a part of the Comox Strathcona Waste Management’s waste reduction team, the evolution of the “Power of R” waste reduction education for several years. Gayle brings a motivating enthusiasm to her waste reduction presentations to engage participants of all ages.
Tony thanked both Joanne and Gayle for their presentations.
Nancy and Katie then drew the tickets for this month’s $25 gift vouchers, the winners were Tina Kelly and Marilynn Watson.
Katie thanked everyone for coming and wished then a safe journey home.
Monthly Gathering
7 September 2017
President Katie Hubbertsey welcomed everyone to our new venue and said she was delighted that so many members had come, with over 90 members and guests present which was a record attendance for the club.
Katie then said, as it was a new venue she wanted to point out the exits and facilities. She welcomed our 9 new members and 4 guests who were present at the meeting.
Katie thanked Heater Crites, the Activity Director and all the Activity Coordinators who had come to set up and man the tables.
She announced that there had been some changes in the Management Committee since our last monthly gathering. Brian Liberman and Reggie Land had both stepped down and she wanted to thank them both for all that they had done as Management Committee members. She went on to say that Anne Fast had joined the committee as Facilities Director. Katie said we were still looking for a Special Events Director and if anyone was interested they could approach any member of the Management Committee.
She went on to say that there would be a Meet & Greet for new members in late October and they would all receive invitations in due course. She said that this year’s Christmas Dinner Dance would again be held at D’Esterre House, the DJ from last year was back by popular request but that we were trying a new caterer. The tickets at a cost of $35 per member were available today and again at the October and November meetings and that they could also be reserved online and as they were limited to 80 she encouraged everyone to buy early.
Tony introduced the first of this month’s speaker Joanne Wiens who is the Executive Director of Volunteer Comox Valley. There are over 150 voluntary organisations in the Comox Valley, many looking for volunteers to help. Joanne’s office is the go-to place to find out about volunteer requirements and opportunities.
Tony then introduced the second speaker of the afternoon Gayle Bates. Gayle has had the honour of being a part of the Comox Strathcona Waste Management’s waste reduction team, the evolution of the “Power of R” waste reduction education for several years. Gayle brings a motivating enthusiasm to her waste reduction presentations to engage participants of all ages.
Tony thanked both Joanne and Gayle for their presentations.
Nancy and Katie then drew the tickets for this month’s $25 gift vouchers, the winners were Tina Kelly and Marilynn Watson.
Katie thanked everyone for coming and wished then a safe journey home.